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January 2024 Newsletter

Well, here we are, safe and sound in 2024. What will this year bring? For sure, a national election and a new president, plus other political positions. Hopefully, Israel will win their war against genocide. America will settle down into a peace and safety cloud of passive resistance. Gas prices will drop, inflation will decrease, unemployment will fade away and life will be good for all Americans. I know what you are thinking. It’s a pipedream, right? You never know.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, we all have our own reality. Yours is different from mine. We may live in this world together but it’s not the same for all of us. Here’s what’s going on with Marinelli Christian Books. A new reality that will be more helpful to other Christian writers.

We are looking for new Christian authors that we can help in publishing. We are looking into more Audiobooks. We are considering fee give-a-ways of eBooks and links to audiobook downloads.

Our eNewsletter and Blog will still go out every month in hopes that you all will be blessed by reading. In addition, we will:

1. We will seek Christian poems to add to our Gallery of Poems section on the website.
2. We will also conduct special offer deals on selected books to our VIP list.
3. We will look for readers that will read one or more of our books and write a brief review on Amazon.
4. We will continue to counsel readers on Bible questions and matters of concern.
5. We will still share, “What’s Happening” events of news as we can.

Other newsworthy updates:

New Catalog…. We just finished an 8-page consumer catalog of available books. It is free and can be downloaded from our website. (Romance, Fiction, Bible Study, Children’s, Poetry, Mystery, True Life, and more)

Free Children’s Coloring Book…. another free download is a coloring book we did many years ago. Check it out on the website and download it if you like it. It is free.

Upcoming Book… I hope to be publishing a layman’s commentary on all things Christian. It will be titled, “The Christian Life Digest” It will be over 500 pages and 45 chapters and will cover many Christian doctrines and issues.

Christian Poetry…If you write uplifting Christian poetry, email me your best poem. If I like it, I will add it to my gallery of poems on the website.

New Publishing Service… We now have over 30 books in print. I felt it necessary to devote my time in 2024 to helping other Christians tell their story and publish their own book. All the info is on the website. If you have ever dreamed of writing a book, now is the time. I can help and keep the cost down to an affordable price.

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Book of The Month… My pick as “Book of the Month” is,” The Life & Destiny of The God-Man”

“The Life and Destiny of the God-Man” is a Biblical study of the incarnation of God into man, starting with man’s creation, continuing with Jesus’ and settling into the,” Whosevers” that believe in Christ as the only begotten Son of God.

Particular attention is paid to, “The Beast Within”, The, Born Again” experience and” The Battle” against evil that rages in ever human soul.

Discussions are also offered on hearing the voice of God; Living a victorious life; the possibility of being left behind; taking dominion and the final judgment of God.

The King James version of the Bible is used add reference material for validation off each topic.
Specific encouraging Christian Poems have been added for the edification of the reader.
Until Next Time

John Marinelli, Author & Publisher

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