Today’s Christian Life, in my opinion, has been reduced to a more secular perspective. I say this because of what I see all around me. Here’s some of what I…
What happens when good people do nothing? When I listen to the news, I almost start crying. Did you know that California just recently passed a bill that allows the…
Most of us live our lives based upon assumptions that may or may not be true. Some folks don’t even question the thought process that society says is the basis…
And The Truth Shall Set You Free John 8:32
And the battle goes on for your soul. Who will win? …You, if you’ve given your life to Jesus. I heard a…
Who do You Want To Be?
As I go through life, I have observed lots of folks and their search for the meaning of life. I see the up and coming…
Did you know that God speaks to mankind through the Bible. Listen to what he says in the Psalms.
“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted…
Does Hell Really Exist?
Hell is a literal place, just like Heaven. They both play a big part in man’s future. For the redeemed, heaven is waiting, for the lost or…
Do You Have A Vision?
“Where There Is No Vision, The People Perish” Proverbs 29:18
We must have a reason to exist and live. That’s why God gives us our own personal…