Marketing is a continual effort. It will take up a lot of time and even more money if you ae not careful. Here are a few tips on testing markets to gain knowledge and experience:
1.The purpose of doing a test in a certain market is obviously to see if it can become a steady source of income. Smart marketers refer to it as creating a revenue stream.
2.The goal of testing various markets is to establish multiple revenue streams that can provide a steady source of income while at the same time increase your reader base.
3.The challenge of testing is to identify the markets that you want to test. This can be really difficult. Is your market book buyers, romance readers, history buffs, Bible truth seekers or what? Each one can be a market in itself with many variables.
4.The results of testing various markets will determine where you allocate your marketing dollars.
5.The process of testing will identify top markets opposed to others that are less important. This is really important when creating a marketing budget.
Research is the key to real success. Developing a market profile is really important. Is the market leaning more towards female readers or what? Is the market strictly Christian or can it be a mix of various faiths? Is the market mostly protestant of can Catholic also benefit from your title?
If you advertise and get no response or very little, you’ll want to know why. Maybe the audience profile is off and doesn’t fit your desired reader.
Testing can be made easy if you do not ignore the key factors; Research, Profiling and Evaluating. All this has to be done before you activate your first test. When you do, sample the audience with at least 1,000 names. Keep good records of the testing results. Evaluate your ROI (Return on Investment.)
Good luck
- John Marinelli, Author & Publisher