Being “Born Again”: A study of the “Born Again” Experience
My book reveals the Biblical truths about being “Born Again.” We will discuss the need for it; the process, the benefits; the Biblical proof text; the overall statistics of Christianity, and some other aspects of the experience. Being “Born Again” is a study that will take the reader deeper into the knowledge and will of God. The author raises the question, “What is it all about.” and then explains, in an orderly discourse, the hidden truths of the “Born Again” experience. The subject includes: What it means to be “Born Again”, Why should We be “Born Again”? Why do people reject being born again? Depravity And The New Birth Experience, and The “New Creature” And The “New Birth.” The author also presents statistical data to develop a profile of the American Christian. There is also a brief explanation of the Calvinistic view of salvation and the free will theology to clarify the truths incorporated in the “Born Again” doctrine.